Culinary-driven minimalist almond milk.

Medal Milk is a protein rich, creamy almond milk that performs in the kitchen. How? It is made with the right balance of proteins, fats and fibers, using radically minimal, unprocessed plant ingredients.

mendal milk chloerobi

Mendal Milk

Dairy-free, almond-based milk.
1:1 Culinary performance.
Source of plant-based protein.
Radically minimal ingredients.

Stable shelf life.
No sugar or additives.

Product features.


Culinary-forward design.


Designed for professionals and home cooks, to truly replace in a 1:1 ratio. The right protein and fat matrix allows it to perform in recipes and culinary applications. Try it in baked goods, pastry confections, vegan cheese-making, sauces, dairy-free ice cream, and more.


Clean label, simple.


Only 4 ingredients, nuts, water, salt, coconut oil.

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Sustainability, global impact.


Plant-based milk alternatives have a significantly smaller impact on the environment than dairy products, using less water, land and producing less carbon dioxide emissions for the same product yield.


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Ritta Ricotta